Woodswalker7 is a website of various talents, attributes, and energy healing modalities, offered by Ginny Blankenship. Ginny believes that the most important aspects of her life is that she is first and foremost a Wife, Mother, Grandmother and yet even more importantly a Human being with a Devine soul which is the same for us ALL. With this in place it just so happens that she also does energy healing, is a professional singer/songwriter, musician, and an established professional artist. Ginny has a lot of passion about all life forms of this beautiful earth, the wellness and the spiritual state of the human being, and this incredible planet that we all share.
A lover of life and a lover of experience Ginny has learned an enthusiasm in sharing with others the wisdom of knowing that, because of the learning aspect, error is just as important as progress. That humility is a valuable lesson in all that we do. She says, “It is only in dismantling the ego that we can reach into the heart of our true being. Releasing our fears, confusions, pain and guilt is the beginning of a whole new understanding of who we really are…. Divine beings of light. However it is also the beginning of our healing. Healing on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.”
“In the aspect of the healing modalities please understand that I am not in any way capable of healing on my own. It is only because of the connection to this energy and the clients willingness to accept the energy into their very being that healings occur. As I progress in my spiritual understanding I try to help others to understand more as well. The power of understanding and acceptance is phenomenal in the energy healing world. Then there is the animal kingdom. They are as little children totally connected, totally innocent. They do not have to be taught to trust they just feel it, allowing for some really amazing healings with animals.”
Ginny believes the power of energy healing with all her heart and carries the theme of healing and love for the human being and the Earth out into her music and art. Since early childhood she has felt a deep connection to the earth and the incredible varieties of animals that inhabit this beautiful planet. As a result of this admiration Ginny just naturally fell into the spirituality of the Native American belief although her knowledge of many beliefs is apparent. “Spiritual truths are to be found everywhere, she says, you just have to find them and forever carry them with you”.
Ginny practices at least six different varities of healing modalities. There are a couple that she uses only occasionally. “I’m always open to continue to learn more and continue to improve on the existing modalities. Mostly though I want to have the courage to trust my authentism, that of connecting to the all knowing, and marvel at the healing results through grace. ” The most used healing modalities are the Re-connective healing, Matrix Energetics, Native American Feather Medicine, and the Young Living Essential Oils. All done within the same context of healing can be most powerful.These Modalities are done in consecutive order not blended.
It is highly recommended that you read the article “Thought’s of Healing“, written by Ginny to get a better concept of what energy healing can really be about. Read more about Ginny on this website and learn of her successful healing Practice. Read about the Reconnective Healing, Matrix Energetics and The Feather Medicine. Listen to the ”To Touch the Earth” CD and purchase it on this web site or download a single. Visit Ginny’s Red Oak art studio and purchase any of the original oil paintings or the Gicl’ee prints available through this website.
Feather Medicine is a modality that quite literally touches my heart. I love the natural world and when I use a part of that natural world in healing I am very much at home. Feather Medicine is an ancient form of healing and never fails to perform for me. When I think of how old the morphic field is in this modality I am completely humbled. For thousands of years this type of healing has been used and you can feel that connection to the past when using the feathers. I am told that their are two Grandfathers working with me during the healing’s. Native Indian Grandfathers. I always gratefully implore their assistance.
There are prayer feathers and then there are the energy finder feathers. Each feather does something different according to what the energy of the bird stands for. The feathers are long standing in their power and I use this existing energy in conjunction with my intent. I legally carry the eagle feather as I have the identification number, this for those of you who might be concerned in this area.
The Young Living Essential Oils are another part of the Natural world and that is why I love to use them so much. Each plant and animal on this planet has it’s own beautiful energy that incredibly connects to our own energies. With the essential oils this is how the healing occurs through the healing aspects of each and every plant. The Young Living Essential Oils company use very delicate measures of extracting the oils from the plants so as not to destroy the essence of it’s power. This is respect in it’s highest form. Man and Nature working together in a love relationship to bring about better health and peace of mind. This is an aspect that modern man has unconsciously and sometimes consciously driven from his environment. One of the many reasons we become sick so easily. I use the Oils only if needed. I ask through a means of higher knowing to find out what to use and where to put the oils. Like the feathers the Oils are so beautiful in their connection to us in assisting in our healing’s. Another reason to love and respect the earth.
Here are just a few comments from my clients.
I’ve come to believe at this stage of my life that there are forces present that we are not meant to completely understand. more...
I wanted to write you a bit about the effects I received subsequent to our healing session late in January, 2011. more...
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just can’t thank you enough! I was so miserable and having uncomfortable pain. more...